15 Jobs in Canada for Immigrants That Do Not Need a Degree or Certificate


Dear immigrant seeking jobs in Canada, you can get jobs in Canada without a degree or certificate. In Canada, the path to a successful career does not always run through a university campus. Beyond the academic halls lie vast opportunities for those armed not with degrees, but with skills, dedication, and the willingness to learn. From the bustling floors of retail stores to the serene landscapes of rural farms, the Canadian job market is ripe with possibilities for foreigners looking to get a rewarding career without the degree.

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Are There Really Job Opportunities in Canada for Foreigners That Do Not Require a Degree?

Yes, there are job opportunities in Canada for immigrants and foreigners without a degree. Canada’s diverse economy and inclusive labor market create numerous avenues for individuals with various skill sets and experiences.


The Canadian economy is a tapestry woven from various industries, each offering unique roles to those without formal tertiary education. Whether it’s the hands-on trades, the caring health care sector, or the innovative tech industry, there’s a place for every skill set and passion.


Here’s why immigrants and foreigners without a degree can find job opportunities in Canada:

  • High Demand in Certain Sectors

Many sectors in Canada, such as trades, healthcare, agriculture, and service industries, have a high demand for workers and do not necessarily require a university degree. Jobs like electricians, plumbers, carpenters, farm workers, truck drivers, and personal support workers often require specific training or certification, which can be obtained through vocational schools or apprenticeships, rather than a traditional university degree.

  • Immigration Programs and Work Permits

Canada has various immigration programs and work permits designed to attract skilled workers in occupations that are in high demand. Programs like the Federal Skilled Trades Program, certain Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), and the Atlantic Immigration Pilot cater specifically to skilled workers in trades and other occupations that don’t require a degree. Additionally, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) allows employers to hire foreign workers for positions they are unable to fill with local workers.

  • Supportive Policies for Skill-Based Immigration

Canadian immigration policies increasingly recognize the importance of skills, experience, and the ability to contribute to the economy, regardless of formal education. The Express Entry system, for example, awards points based on various factors, including skilled work experience, with a focus on the ability to integrate into Canada’s labor market successfully.

  • Vocational and Technical Training Opportunities

Canada offers numerous vocational and technical training programs designed to equip individuals with the skills needed in the labor market. These programs are often shorter and more focused than traditional degree programs and provide practical, hands-on training that prepares students for specific occupations. Many of these programs are open to immigrants and can be a pathway to employment and permanent residency.

  • Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

Canada is known for its cultural diversity and inclusive society. Canadian employers are generally open to hiring immigrants and value the diverse perspectives and experiences they bring to the workplace. This inclusive culture extends to various sectors of the economy, providing immigrants without a degree the opportunity to find meaningful employment.

  • Community and Government Support

Immigrants in Canada have access to various support services, including employment services, language training, and settlement assistance, which can help them integrate into the labor market. These services often include job search assistance, resume writing workshops, and networking opportunities, making it easier for immigrants to find employment that matches their skills and experience.


While having a degree can be beneficial in certain fields, there are ample opportunities for immigrants and foreigners without a degree to find fulfilling and well-compensated jobs in Canada. Success in the Canadian job market is often determined by a combination of skills, experience, and the willingness to adapt and learn, making it a welcoming environment for individuals from diverse educational backgrounds.

List of Jobs in Canada for Immigrants and Foreigners That Do Not Require a Degree

  1. Fish Plant Workers

Annual Salary: $30,459 CAD

Pay Per Hour: $14.65 CAD


fish plant workers

Fish plant workers play a crucial role in processing seafood. They clean, sort, and package fish and seafood products in processing plants.

This job doesn’t require a degree because it involves manual labor and on-the-job training.


Workers need physical stamina and the ability to follow health and safety guidelines. Essential skills include attention to detail, teamwork, and time management.

Apply as a Fish Plant Worker.

  1. Electricians

Annual Salary: $58,695 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $28.22 CAD

Electricians install and maintain electrical systems in various settings. They work in homes, businesses, and industrial areas to ensure electrical safety and efficiency.

A degree isn’t necessary as electricians undergo apprenticeships and trade certifications.


The requirements include completing an apprenticeship program and passing a certification exam. Critical skills are problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of electrical codes.

Apply as an Electrician

  1. Industrial Butchers

Annual Salary: $39,000 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $18.75 CAD

Industrial butchers process meat for distribution and sale. They cut, trim, and prepare meat in processing plants with precision and speed.

The role doesn’t need a degree; instead, it requires on-the-job training and physical ability.


Butchers must be physically fit and able to handle heavy lifting and cold environments. Skills needed include hand-eye coordination, stamina, and attention to hygiene and safety.

Apply as an Industrial Butcher.

  1. Homecare Support Providers

Annual Salary: $35,100 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $16.87 CAD

Homecare support providers assist with daily living activities for the elderly or disabled. They provide personal care, companionship, and sometimes medical assistance.

This job often doesn’t require a degree but may need certification in health care aid or personal support work.


Requirements include a background check, certification in CPR, and sometimes a driver’s license. Essential skills are empathy, patience, and effective communication.

Apply as a Homecare Support Provider.

  1. Retail Salespersons

Annual Salary: $29,640 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $14.25 CAD

Retail salespersons assist customers and manage transactions in stores. They provide product information, handle payments, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Degrees are not required as training is typically provided on the job.


The main requirement is a high school diploma and sometimes previous customer service experience. Key skills include strong communication, customer service, and basic math skills for handling transactions.

Apply as a Retail Salesperson.

  1. Miners

Annual Salary: $72,150 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $34.69 CAD

Miners extract minerals and ores crucial for various industries. Their work involves operating machinery, blasting, and transporting materials.

The job doesn’t require a degree because it relies on vocational training and safety certifications.


Miners need to complete safety training and may require certification for specific machinery. Essential skills include physical stamina, teamwork, and adherence to safety protocols.

Apply as a Miner.

  1. Welders

Annual Salary: $50,700 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $24.38 CAD

Welders join metal parts using heat and pressure in manufacturing and construction. They read blueprints and measure materials to ensure precision in their work.

Welding doesn’t necessitate a degree but does require technical training and certification.


Requirements include completing a vocational training program and obtaining welding certifications. Skills needed are manual dexterity, technical knowledge of welding techniques, and attention to detail.

Apply as a Welder.

  1. Farm Workers

Annual Salary: $35,100 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $16.87 CAD

Farm workers tend to crops and livestock on agricultural lands. They plant, harvest, and maintain crops, and may also feed and care for animals.

This role doesn’t require formal education but benefits from hands-on experience and training.


The primary requirement is physical fitness and the ability to work outdoors. Key skills include knowledge of farming techniques, machinery operation, and physical endurance.

Apply as a Farm Worker.

  1. Transport Truck Drivers

Annual Salary: $46,800 CAD


Pay Per Hour: $22.50 CAD

Transport Truck Drivers

Transport truck drivers move goods across regions and borders. They plan routes, maintain logs, and ensure timely deliveries.


A degree isn’t needed, but drivers must have a commercial driver’s license (CDL).

Requirements include a CDL, a clean driving record, and sometimes experience with specific types of cargo. Essential skills are navigation, time management, and mechanical knowledge for basic vehicle maintenance.

Apply as a Transport Truck Driver.

  1. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)

Annual Salary: $55,965 CAD

Pay Per Hour: $26.91 CAD

LPNs provide basic medical care under the supervision of registered nurses and doctors. They monitor patients’ health, administer medication, and assist with daily living activities.


While a degree isn’t required, LPNs must complete a practical nursing program and obtain a license.

The job demands a diploma from a practical nursing program and successful licensure. Essential skills include empathy, attention to detail, and strong communication abilities.

Apply as a Licensed Practical Nurse.

  1. Landscape Technicians

Annual Salary: $40,950 CAD

Pay Per Hour: $19.69 CAD

Landscape technicians maintain and enhance outdoor spaces. They plant, trim, apply treatments, and design landscape layouts.


This position doesn’t necessitate a degree, relying instead on practical experience and sometimes vocational training.

Basic requirements include knowledge of plants, physical fitness, and sometimes a driver’s license. Key skills are creativity, physical stamina, and an understanding of horticultural practices.

Apply as a Landscape Technician.

  1. Theatre Practitioners

Annual Salary: $45,000 CAD (varies widely with role and experience)

Pay Per Hour: Varies widely depending on the role and contract

Theatre practitioners perform in live theatrical productions. They interpret scripts, develop characters, and collaborate with directors and cast members.


Formal education is not mandatory, as skills are often honed through experience and workshops.

The primary requirement is talent, along with the ability to work long and irregular hours. Essential skills include strong communication, creativity, and the ability to work as part of a team.

Apply as a Theatre Practitioner.

  1. Claims Adjusters

Annual Salary: $51,987 CAD

Pay Per Hour: $24.99 CAD

Claims adjusters assess insurance claims to determine the insurer’s liability. They investigate claims, evaluate damage, and negotiate settlements.


A degree is not required, but adjusters often undergo specific training and certification in insurance.

Requirements include certification in claims adjustment and strong analytical skills. Key skills are analytical thinking, attention to detail, and effective negotiation.

Apply as Claim Adjuster.

  1. Mobile Developers

Annual Salary: $80,778 CAD

Pay Per Hour: Varies, as many work on a project or freelance basis

Mobile developers design and build applications for mobile devices. They translate user needs into functional and engaging apps.


This field often values skills and portfolio over formal education, with many self-taught professionals.

Requirements include proficiency in programming languages like Swift or Java and experience with development tools. Essential skills include problem-solving, creativity, and proficiency in mobile development platforms.

Apply as a Mobile Developer.

  1. Maintenance Managers

Annual Salary: $76,025 CAD

Pay Per Hour: $36.55 CAD


Maintenance Managers


Maintenance managers oversee the upkeep of buildings and facilities. They develop maintenance strategies, manage staff, and ensure compliance with safety standards.

While a degree is not strictly necessary, experience in maintenance and managerial skills are crucial.

Requirements include experience in maintenance work and leadership abilities. Essential skills are organizational, problem-solving, and communication, ensuring smooth operation and safety of facilities.


Apply as a Maintenance Manager.

How to Get a Job in Canada without a Degree?

Embarking on a career without a degree might seem daunting, but the first step is often the simplest: identifying your interests and strengths. From there, vocational training programs, apprenticeships, and entry-level positions offer a gateway into your chosen field. Networking, both in-person and online, can also unveil opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden.

Starting a career in Canada without a degree is entirely feasible and can lead to rewarding job opportunities.


Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get a job without a degree in Canada:

  1. Self-Assessment

Begin by evaluating your interests, strengths, and any skills or experiences you already possess. Consider what types of work you enjoy and what industries align with your personal interests and abilities.

  1. Research Potential Careers

Look into fields that don’t require a degree and have a high demand for workers. Sectors like trades, healthcare, technology, and services often have openings that value skills and experience over formal education.

  1. Acquire Necessary Skills

Once you’ve identified a potential career path, research what specific skills or certifications are required. Many roles may require vocational training or specific certifications rather than a degree. Look into community colleges, vocational schools, and online courses that offer the training you need.

  1. Gain Experience

Consider internships, volunteer opportunities, or part-time positions to gain relevant experience. Real-world experience can be incredibly valuable and can sometimes outweigh formal education in certain fields.

  1. Leverage Apprenticeships

For trades and technical jobs, apprenticeships are a fantastic way to earn while you learn. These programs combine on-the-job training with classroom instruction, leading to certification in a trade.

  1. Build Your Network

Networking can be a powerful tool in your job search. Attend industry meetups, job fairs, and workshops to connect with professionals in your chosen field. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to reach out to people working in roles you aspire to and ask for advice or informational interviews.

  1. Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter

Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Emphasize any hands-on experience, projects, or volunteer work that demonstrate your capabilities and work ethic.

  1. Utilize Job Search Resources

Make use of job search websites, local employment centers, and government job banks to find openings. Websites like Indeed, Monster, and Workopolis, as well as the Canada Job Bank, can be excellent resources for finding opportunities.

  1. Apply Strategically

When applying for jobs, focus on positions that match your skills and experience. Carefully read job postings to understand the requirements and tailor your application to show how you meet or exceed these criteria.

  1. Prepare for Interviews

Practice answering common interview questions and be ready to discuss your experiences and skills confidently. Prepare examples that showcase your problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and any relevant projects or tasks you’ve completed.

  1. Consider Alternative Routes

Explore alternative pathways such as starting your own business or freelancing, especially in fields like technology, design, and content creation, where your portfolio can speak louder than a degree.

  1. Stay Persistent and Positive

Job hunting can be challenging, but persistence pays off. Keep applying, learning, and networking. Be open to feedback and continuously look for ways to improve your skills and marketability.


By following these steps, you can navigate the job market in Canada without a degree and find a fulfilling career that suits your skills and interests. Remember, many employers value practical experience, soft skills, and a strong work ethic just as much as formal education.

What are the Benefits of Working in Roles that Do Not Require a Degree in Canada?

Jobs without a degree offer not just a paycheck, but a chance to grow, learn, and find satisfaction in one’s work. They prove that success is not solely the domain of the university-educated but is accessible to all who are willing to pursue their passions and hone their skills.

  • Hands-On Experience and Skill Development

Working in roles that don’t require a degree often involves practical, hands-on tasks that build tangible skills. You’ll have the opportunity to learn directly in the field, applying knowledge in real-world scenarios.


This direct experience can accelerate skill acquisition and mastery, making you highly competent in your role. Over time, these developed skills can lead to advanced positions and opportunities for leadership within your industry.

  • Reduced Financial Burden

Avoiding the high costs associated with obtaining a degree can significantly reduce financial stress and debt. You can start earning an income sooner, as you won’t spend years in full-time study before entering the workforce.

The money saved from not paying for a degree can be invested in other areas, such as further professional training, a home, or savings. Many roles offer on-the-job training or apprenticeships, where you earn while learning, further enhancing your financial stability.

  • Faster Entry into the Workforce

Jobs that don’t require a degree often have shorter training periods, allowing you to start working and earning more quickly. You can begin building your career and gaining experience while peers may still be completing their academic studies.

This early start in the workforce provides a head start in career development, including opportunities for promotions and raises. The practical experience gained early on is highly valued by employers and can be leveraged for career advancement.

  • Opportunities for Entrepreneurship

Many fields that don’t require a degree, such as trades and creative services, offer clear paths to starting your own business. Entrepreneurship in these areas often relies more on skill, experience, and a solid business plan than formal education.


Running your own business can offer greater flexibility, autonomy, and the potential for higher earnings. Success as an entrepreneur is measured by your ability to deliver quality services and manage a business, skills that can be developed outside of academic environments.

  • Job Security and Demand

Many roles that don’t require a degree are in essential industries, such as healthcare, trades, and technology, which often see consistent or growing demand. Skills learned in these roles are transferable and needed across various locations and industries, providing job security.

As technology evolves, there’s a growing need for skilled professionals in trades and technical fields, areas less likely to be outsourced or automated. The ongoing need for essential services ensures steady employment opportunities, even in economic downturns.


Is Finding Job Without a Degree in Canada Easy or Difficult?

Finding jobs without a degree in Canada is not really difficult and can be approached with optimism, especially when equipped with the right information and strategy. While challenges exist in any job market, several factors contribute to a favorable environment for individuals seeking employment without a degree in Canada.

  • High Demand in Certain Industries

Many sectors in Canada, such as trades, healthcare, technology, and services, consistently exhibit high demand for skilled workers. For instance, tradespeople like electricians and plumbers are essential to the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, and their skills are in perennial demand across the country. Similarly, healthcare roles like licensed practical nurses and personal support workers are crucial, especially given Canada’s aging population, ensuring consistent job opportunities.

  • Vocational and Technical Training

Canada places significant value on vocational and technical education, providing numerous pathways through colleges, apprenticeships, and certificate programs specifically designed to prepare individuals for the workforce. These programs often have strong ties to industries, ensuring the skills taught are directly applicable to the job market. Moreover, such programs are typically shorter in duration than traditional degrees, allowing for a quicker transition into employment.

  • Supportive Government Initiatives

The Canadian government and various provincial governments offer programs and initiatives aimed at supporting job seekers without degrees. These include funding for apprenticeships, job-matching services, and workforce development programs that focus on equipping individuals with the skills needed in the current job market. For example, the Canada Job Grant helps employers train new or existing employees for available jobs, making it easier for individuals without a degree to find employment.

  • Growing Recognition of Skills and Experience

There’s a growing recognition among employers of the value of practical skills and real-world experience over formal education in many fields. Employers are increasingly looking at what candidates can do and what they have accomplished in their previous roles, rather than just their academic credentials. This shift in perspective opens up more opportunities for those without a degree but with relevant skills and experience.

  • Flexible Job Markets and Emerging Industries

The rise of the gig economy and remote work has created new opportunities for individuals without degrees. Many of these roles, particularly in tech and creative industries, prioritize demonstrated skills, portfolios, and practical experience over formal education. Additionally, emerging industries, such as renewable energy and technology, are often more focused on candidates’ abilities and innovative thinking than their educational background.

  • Success Stories and Role Models

Numerous success stories of individuals achieving career success without a degree can serve as inspiration and proof that it’s possible. These stories highlight the pathways available through hard work, continuous learning, and leveraging one’s strengths and interests.

Final Thoughts on the Jobs in Canada That Do Not Require a Degree or Certificate

While finding a job without a degree in Canada may require a focused approach and perhaps a willingness to start in entry-level positions or undergo specific training, the opportunities are abundant. By identifying high-demand sectors, leveraging vocational training, utilizing government resources, and focusing on skill development, job seekers without a degree can find rewarding and stable employment in Canada.

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